
  • The Benefits of Using a Leica BLK360 3D Scanner for Landscape Architecture Projects

    The Benefits of Using a Leica BLK360 3D Scanner for Landscape Architecture Projects

    In landscape architecture, the use of advanced technology has revolutionized how professionals like myself approach design and planning. One such technology we have added to our arsenal is the Leica BLK360 3D photographic LIDAR scanner. This cutting-edge device offers numerous benefits that enhance the efficiency and accuracy of our landscape design projects.

    Complete Capture of the Site

    The Leica BLK360 3D scanner can capture a comprehensive view of the site from all angles. This complete capture gives us a level of detail and understanding of the existing conditions that previous methods cannot. We can make more informed decisions during the design process, especially with vertical elements like sloping lots or retaining walls.

    digital twin point cloud from a 3D scan of an existing site
    digital twin point cloud from a 3D scan of an existing site

    High Accuracy

    The Leica BLK360 3D scanner is known for its exceptional accuracy. Laser technology captures precise measurements (+/- 6mm at 10m (1/4″ at 30′) from the scanner) and creates detailed point clouds for the site. This accuracy ensures that our designs are based on reliable data, minimizing errors and resulting in a more successful project with significantly reduced changes caused by unknowns or missing information. 

    External link to the Leica website for our scanner:

    Integration with 3D Design Programs

    The Leica BLK360 3D scanner point clouds integrate with popular 3D design programs like SketchUp. This compatibility allows our landscape architects to import the scanned data directly into our design software. The point clouds enables us to create accurate and realistic 3D models, including preliminary grading designs for the proposed landscape.

    Design in Perspective, Plan, and At Any Angle

    One of the key advantages of using the Leica BLK360 3D scanner is the ability to design in perspective, plan, and at any angle at the press of a button. This flexibility allows us to visualize our designs realistically, making it easier to communicate and collaborate with clients, contractors, and other professionals involved in the project.

    In conclusion, the Leica BLK360 3D scanner offers a range of benefits for landscape architecture projects. Its ability to capture the site from all angles, high accuracy, integration with 3D design programs, and flexibility in design perspectives make it an invaluable tool for our landscape architects. By incorporating this advanced technology into our workflow, we have enhanced the quality and efficiency of our residential landscape designs.

    Do you want to see how this technology can help to give you the clarity you need for your landscape design project and significantly reduce the headaches for your contractor? 

    In landscape architecture, the use of advanced technology has revolutionized how professionals like myself approach design and planning. One such technology we have added to our arsenal is the Leica BLK360 3D photographic LIDAR scanner. This cutting-edge device offers numerous benefits that enhance the efficiency and accuracy of our landscape design projects. Complete Capture of…

  • Exploring Innovative Products at the Permacon Elevation 2024

    Exploring Innovative Products at the Permacon Elevation 2024

    Last week, I had the opportunity to attend Permacon Elevation Woodbridge, where I was introduced to an array of exciting new products.

    One of the standout discoveries was Biolift (, an exoskeleton developed by a startup company based in Quebec. Designed to alleviate the strain on your back, Biolift offers a unique solution for individuals who frequently engage in heavy lifting. As a landscape architect, I don’t personally require an exoskeleton. However, I was intrigued by the chance to try it on and experience the remarkable difference it made when lifting concrete blocks.

    During the mini trade show at the event, I also had the pleasure of meeting Adam Gollan from Automated Digital Account Management Services (A.D.A.M.). ( A.D.A.M. utilizes artificial intelligence to provide human-like first contact through text and email. Their system is designed to engage potential clients by asking questions and guiding them through a sales funnel, ultimately leading to three possible outcomes:

    • scheduling a meeting
    • arranging a future follow-up
    • determining that they are not a suitable fit

    Learning about this innovative approach to client communication and increasing efficiency was fascinating and would greatly help a sole proprietor or small firm like mine.

    Of course, Permacon (, the host of the event, also showcased their latest products. As a landscape architect, I am always looking for new materials and designs to incorporate into my projects, and I am excited about the prospect of utilizing some of Permacon’s offerings in my future landscape designs.

    Attending Permacon Elevation Woodbridge was a valuable experience that allowed me to discover cutting-edge products and connect with industry professionals. I look forward to implementing these newfound insights into my work and continuing to explore innovative solutions in the field of landscape architecture.

    Last week, I had the opportunity to attend Permacon Elevation Woodbridge, where I was introduced to an array of exciting new products. One of the standout discoveries was Biolift (, an exoskeleton developed by a startup company based in Quebec. Designed to alleviate the strain on your back, Biolift offers a unique solution for individuals…

  • Is Your Commercial Property’s Landscape Getting Destroyed in Winter??

    Is Your Commercial Property’s Landscape Getting Destroyed in Winter??

    Continuing on our theme from last week, winter can be a challenging time for the landscape of commercial properties. The harsh weather conditions, such as snow, ice, and de-icing chemicals, can take a toll on the aesthetics and functionality of the outdoor spaces. In this blog post, we will explore some solutions to help commercial property owners and managers maintain their landscapes during the winter season.

    1. Permeable Pavers

    One of the key issues during winter is the accumulation of snow and ice on walkways and driveways, which can lead to slippery surfaces and safety hazards. Using permeable pavers can help mitigate this problem. These pavers are designed to allow water and melting snow to seep through the surface, reducing the formation of ice and minimizing the need for de-icing chemicals.

    2. Snow Storage Areas

    Another challenge faced by commercial properties in winter is finding adequate space to store the accumulated snow. Creating designated snow storage areas can help prevent snow from piling up in unwanted areas, such as parking lots or walkways. These areas should be strategically located to minimize the impact on the overall landscape design.

    3. Heated Drives and Snow Melting Areas

    To ensure safe and accessible pathways for employees, customers, and visitors, consider installing heated drives and snow-melting areas. These systems use radiant heat to melt snow and ice, eliminating the need for manual snow removal or the use of de-icing chemicals. Heated driveways and walkways can also help prevent slip and fall accidents.

    4. Snow-Friendly Planting Design

    When it comes to landscaping in winter, it’s essential to choose plants that can withstand the harsh conditions. Opt for plants that are native to the region and are known to be resilient in cold climates. These plants are more likely to survive the winter and bounce back in the spring, reducing the need for replanting or extensive maintenance.

    In conclusion, winter can pose various challenges to the landscape of commercial properties. However, property owners and managers can maintain functional and visually appealing landscapes throughout the winter by implementing the right solutions, such as permeable pavers, designated snow storage areas, heated drives, snow melting systems, and snow-friendly planting design. Remember to choose plants that are native to the region and suitable for the specific needs of the property to ensure long-term success. By taking proactive measures, commercial property owners can create a safe and inviting environment for employees, customers, and visitors, even during the harshest winter conditions.

    Continuing on our theme from last week, winter can be a challenging time for the landscape of commercial properties. The harsh weather conditions, such as snow, ice, and de-icing chemicals, can take a toll on the aesthetics and functionality of the outdoor spaces. In this blog post, we will explore some solutions to help commercial…

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